Comming soon… Before we disappear.
Working with researchers at The University of Nottingham we are developing an emotion recognition system that uses front facing cameras to edit film in real time.
Brain controlled film The MOMENT.
‘In a war that takes place in peoples minds, how do you rebel when your thoughts are monitored?’
The Disadvantages of Time Travel
Screened in our custom made cinema caravan, this was our first brain controlled film that went out to audiences in 2015.
The Spinning Wheel
A multimedia performance and interactive gallery exhibition that engages with the 50 year radical archive of Baba Israel’s late father and Living Theatre alum steve ben israel.
Country Boy’s Struggle
Debut solo show from writer/performer Maxwell Golden features over 40 characters, all delivered by Maxwell. Directed by Richard Ramchurn and Baba Israel. Animators Richard Ramchurn and Maria Alvarez.
Catherine Bennet
Music video ‘Apathy’ Directed by Richard Ramchurn.
BCI Cinema Projects
Richard and Rachel talk about their experience of making Brain Controlled Films.
Making of The MOMENT
Behind the scenes footage and interviews from The MOMENT.